Wednesday, March 5, 2014

And The Winner Is...

Mrs. Mom: Thank you to all who left comments on our The Workshop post! A couple of you guessed correctly, the kids were making princess Belle. Regardless of correct guesses you were all entered into our giveaway and thanks to a random number generator we present the winner....


Start thinking of what you want the kids to create for you! And to those who didn't win remember the kids are anxious to make your perler creation come true. Leave a comment below if you would like to make a request. Thanks!

Disney Fanatics

Miss M: I have fun at Disneyland. I made the Mickey and Minnie perler because I wanted to bring them to Disneyland and give them to Mickey and Minnie. But if I didn't see Mickey or Minnie I would give them both to Mickey or both to Minnie. 

There is a penny so you can see how big the perlers are.

Mr N: I love Pirates of the Carribean but I haven't seen the movies. I just love Jack Sparrow. I made Jack Sparrow and the pirate ship because I like making pirate stuff.